Sabrina: The Animated Series
Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a pre-teen girl with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Sa...
Season 1:
65.The Bat Pack64.La Femme Sabrina63.Key to My Heart62.Wiccan of the Sea61.Working Witches60.Generation Hex59.Truth or Scare58.Witchmas Carole57.Fish Schtick56.Witchwrecked55.Brina Baby54.Hexcalibur53.You've Got a Friend52.Witchery Science Theatre51.Strange New World50.Straight Outta Paris49.Xabrina, Warrior Witch48.Moldy Oldie47.Enchanted Vacation46.Board & Sorcery45.Generation Zap44.Feats of Clay43.Send in the Clones42.What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?41.Driver Ed40.Field of Screams39.When in Rome38.Harvzilla37.Molar Molar36.Salem's Plot35.Stone Broke34.The Hex Files33.Scare Apparent32.Saturday Night Furor31.Hex-Change Students30.Planet of the Dogs29.This is Your Nine Lives28.Absence of Malissa27.My Stepmother the Babe26.Witchitis25.Stage Fright24.The Importance of Being Norma23.Upside Down Town22.Boy Meets Bike21.I Got Glue Babe20.The Grandparent Trap19.Documagicary18.Once Upon a Whine17.Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Somethin' from a Coven16.Anywhere But Here15.Paranormal Pi14.Witchy Grrrls13.Wag the Witch12.Has Anybody Seen My Quigley?11.Shrink to Fit10.Extreme Harvey9.No Time to Be a Hero8.Field Trippin'7.Picture Perfect6.Witch Switch5.The Senses-Shattering Adventures of Captain Harvtastic4.Tail of Two Kitties3.Boogie Shoes2.You Said a Mouse-ful1.Most Dangerous Witch
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